Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day at Kemp E. S.

Today was my first day of student teaching at K--- Elementary School. I did a test run yesterday to see how the drive would go, traffic, which route to take and what not. Surprisingly for the metro Atlanta area there was NO traffic, so it takes me about 30 minutes to get to my school. This morning’s drive was not too bad since I was up at the same time yesterday 5:50 AM!! The early mornings will take a bit getting used to, especially when you feel like the day is almost over and you look at the clock and it’s a little after noon. On the other hand, imagine how much more I can hope to get done in a day.

My drive to school is all one lane roads, so if there is ever an accident or something we’ll see what happens, on the other hand it is a very scenic ride… seeing the sun rise over Kennesaw Mountain, a few farms and lots of big houses on large lots.

The art teacher, who I will refer to has Mrs.R for confidential purposes has the biggest art room I have ever seen, there are 8 tables that seat 4 students each, she has a promethean technology board and lots of storage cabinets around the perimeter of the room. If that isn’t awesome enough she has a storage room about half the size of her already larger classroom and a kiln room off of that with 2 kilns!!! Mrs. R even set up and cleared off a table for me in the storage room so I can have my own desk!

Today was a C day, the students come to art on a 6 day rotation. And today was Wednesday so it was ‘Wacky Wednesday.’ We Kindergarten through fifth, 6 classes each for ONLY 30 minutes at a time so that 2 hours at the end of the day are set aside on Wednesdays only for Math-Art connections lessons. Today was our planning day, next week we will implement the lessons.

My first day was awesome, I feel like I am in good hands with a wonderful teacher and surrounded by many other great people in the school building. I even had a brief meeting with the Vice Principal and the other student teacher at the school, we went over basic procedures and expectations at the school and he even gave us a welcome gift: A K--- Elementary School laptop sleeve protector!

Hope this wasn’t too long for you all, this was an introduction post and I’m sure I won’t have the time or remember to post everyday so you should be safe!! I try to include pictures and artwork as well! Yay ART!


  1. You are going to be an AMAZING Art teacher. Cannot wait to read more about your experience!

  2. so cool and exciting. What do the kids call you, if teacher is Mrs.R?

  3. Oh, They call us both by our last names. I just put Mrs. R so I don't have her name all over the internet. : )
